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Writing JavaScript

When you run the code, you will see it is not working. It is just a static file. So to make it work, open your main.js file. When you learned html DOM, you learned that querySelectorAll() is used to select elements. Now, select the buttons and store them in the variable buttons.


const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");

const mainScreen = document.querySelector(".screen");

After selecting the buttons and the screen, use a for loop to make the buttons display on the screen when a click event happens.


const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button");

const mainScreen = document.querySelector(".screen");

buttons.forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener("click", displayText);

Next, you need to create a function for the displayText.


function displayText(event) {
const buttonValue =;

if (buttonValue === "=") {
if (mainScreen.value !== "") {
mainScreen.value = eval(mainScreen.value);
else if (buttonValue === "delete") {
mainScreen.value = mainScreen.value.substring(0, mainScreen.value.length - 1);
else if (buttonValue === "clear") {
mainScreen.value = "";
else {
mainScreen.value += buttonValue;

Use conditional statements to make the values work only when it is true. That's a wrap!!! You have built a calculator application using html,css and JavaScript.